Giới thiệu Sách - For Esme - with Love and Squalor
Mã hàng: 9780141049250
Nhà xuất bản: Penguing Books
Tác giả: JD Salinger
Năm Xuất Bản: 2010
Số trang: 149
Trọng lượng: 500
Kích thước: 18.1 x 0.9 x 11.1
"For Esme With Love and Squalor" includes two of Salinger's most famous and critically acclaimed stories, and helped to establish him as one of the contemporary literary greats. The title story recounts a Sergeant's meeting with a young girl before being sent into combat. When it was first published in "The New Yorker" in 1950 it was an immediate sensation and prompted a flood of readers' fan-letters. 'A Perfect Day for Bananafish' is the first of the author's stories to feature the Glass family, the loveable and idiosyncratic family who would appear in much of Salinger's later fiction. A haunting and unforgettable piece of writing, the story follows the eldest sibling, Seymour Glass, and his wife, Muriel, as they embark on an ill-fated honeymoon in Florida.